Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Misplacement of Priorities

I will appreciate and support a peaceful demonstration that calls for good governance from all Governors of the former Eastern Region that made up the defunct Republic of Biafra.

I will appreciate and support a peaceful demonstration that calls for responsibility and accountability on the part of all government officials in the former Eastern Region of Nigeria.

I will appreciate and support peaceful demonstration against the Local Government Areas (LGAs) leaders who have stunted grass-roots growth with kleptomania, corruption, bribery, and the like.

I  DON'T appreciate and will NOT support any demonstration calling for re-establishment of the Republic of Biafra when evidence on ground shows that the lack of development has very little to do with the Nigerian leadership.

The lack of development in the former Eastern Nigeria, especially in Igboland, is due to bad governance, lack of accountability on the part of the governors and other government officials.

Even if the Republic of Biafra is re-established today we will still have the same charlatans and kleptomaniacs in charge.

Until we learn to DEMAND good governance from our so called leaders, especially at the local levels, we will continue to have issues with progress and development in all facets of our lives.

Until we stop "electing" and supporting criminals (419 and the like) as governors and local government chairpersons, we will continue to be stagnant in terms of progress and development.

The only way forward is not by calling for Biafra and demonstrations in other parts of the country,thereby instigating other Nigerians against you and your cause, but to demonstrate on the streets of Umuahia, Owerri, Awka, Abakaliki, and Enugu asking for good governance. Once you start there, the Governors of those states (Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo) will sit up. As of now, they are happy to see your "distraction" so they can continue stealing the treasury blind while you go about calling for Biafra instead of calling for them to act right.

I guarantee you that once other Nigerians see the results of your demands, they too will join you in asking for good governance from their own Governors and other political leaders.

Let us stop misplacing our priorities by asking for Biafra all over the country and start focusing on Igboland and demanding good education, social amenities, adequate healthcare, good roads, conducive environment for businesses to grow and create jobs, an environment that enables creativity and innovation such as Radio Mbaise, Ogbunigwe, Shore Battery, PRODA, etc.

Aluta continua!

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